Energy Portrait Reading

Adriana’s signature Energetic Reading

This reading can act like a mirror to offer clarity, self-reflection, and a deeper connection to your subtle energy. 

It can offer a space to see, express, and receive energy to gain new perspectives exploring intuition and energetic fields.

55 minute $111

Why book a reading:

  • To better understand your energy

  • To deepen connection to intuition

  • When in need of guidance or perspective

  • When feeling stuck or in need to move through a life theme

  • Seasonally or on your birthday

  • To mark a significant moment in life

What to expect:

  • A deeper connection to subtle energy and intuition

  • Artwork that represents your energy

  • Ways to protect or expand your energy

  • Journal prompts following the reading

How to prepare

  • Come as you are.

  • Create an intentional, quiet space

  • Journal to explore themes

  • Spend a few moments to slow down and connect with your inner voice

Have some questions? Send me an email and feel free to request a free 15 minute call.


“I have had 3 intuitive reiki energy portrait sessions with Adri in the past year. I feel the guidance and healing she has given me. She has empowered me with sessions and has helped me with clarity and tools to move forward gracefully. I highly recommend Adri to anyone looking for self-development, guidance, clarity, and healing.”

“Adriana is a brilliant artist and insightful intuitive. I have had the pleasure of participating in her intuitive portrait sessions, I love the visual aspect of exploring my energy field and the events of my life. She is kind and supportive which gives me quite a bit to reflect on and gives shape to things unspoken and unconscious. I get a reading from her once a season.”

“Adri allows me to dig deep and realize my potential, and understand where I need work. Since I’ve had a couple of intuitive portraits done, I have been able to track my progress, which has been very liberating and exciting for me. More and more, I am learning to fully trust my body and my intuition. “